понедельник, 19 августа 2013 г.

Language of Flowers

Language of FlowersFlowers have a special language that can be use to add a special meaning to your wedding in Italy. You can use flowers that best express the feelings you share.  Here below you can find a list of the most popular flowers used for weddings:

Aster - Love, daintiness
Baby's breath - Everlasting Love
Bluebell - Humility, constancy
Calla lily -  Magnificent beauty
Daffodil -  Respect
Daisy - Innocence
Fern – Sincerity, magic
Freesia – Innocence
Forget-Me-Not - True love
Gardenia - You're lovely, secret love
Gladiolus - Love at first sight
Hydrangea - Thank you for understanding, heartlessness
Iris - Faith, hope, wisdom and valor
Ivy - Fidelity and friendship
Jasmine - Amiability, attracts wealth
Lilac - First emotions of love
Lily-of-the-valley - Return of happiness
Orchid - Beauty
Peony - Bashful
Rose - Love
Ranunculus - Radiant with charms
Sweet pea - Delicate pleasures
Sweet violet - Modesty
Tulip - declaration of love
Violet – Faithfulnes

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